Bibliography Record

Heinsohn, George Edwin; Birch, W. R. (detail)
Foods and feeding habits of the dugong Dugong dugong (Erxleben) in northern Queensland, Australia.
Mammalia 36(3): 414-422. 1 fig. Sept. 1972.
–Describes stomach contents (seagrasses) of dugongs caught in shark nets, and notes the food preferences indicated thereby.

Related Index Records (16)

Accidental Death or Injury
(SEE ALSO: Conservation; Hunting and Capture; Natural Death or Injury)
  x 1972 Heinsohn & Birch (DD; Australia; nets; 415-417.)

  x 1972 Heinsohn & Birch (DD; food; 414-422.)

Dugong dugon (Müller, 1776) Palmer, 1895
  x * 1972 Heinsohn & Birch ("D. dugong"; Australia; food; 414-422.)

Food Plants: Cymodocea
  x * 1972 Heinsohn & Birch (Queensland; 416-418, 421-422.)

Food Plants: Diplanthera
  x * 1972 Heinsohn & Birch (Queensland; 416-418, 421-422.)

Food Plants: Diplanthera pinifolia
  x * 1972 Heinsohn & Birch (Queensland; 418.)

Food Plants: Diplanthera uninervis
  x * 1972 Heinsohn & Birch (Queensland; 418.)

Food Plants: Enhalus acoroides
  x * 1972 Heinsohn & Birch (Queensland; not eaten; 419-421.)

Food Plants: Halophila
  x * 1972 Heinsohn & Birch (Queensland; 416-419, 422.)

Food Plants: Halophila decipiens
  x 1972 Heinsohn & Birch (Queensland; 416-419.)

Food Plants: Halophila ovalis
  x 1972 Heinsohn & Birch (Queensland; 416-418.)

Food Plants: Halophila spinulosa
  x 1972 Heinsohn & Birch (Queensland; 416-417, 419.)

Food Plants: Syringodium isoetifolium
  x * 1972 Heinsohn & Birch (Queensland; not eaten; 419.)

Food Plants: Thalassia
  x * 1972 Heinsohn & Birch (Queensland; not eaten; 418, 422.)

Food Plants: Zostera capricornis
  x 1972 Heinsohn & Birch ("Z. capricorni"; Queensland; 416-417, 419, 422.)

Hunting and Capture
(SEE ALSO: Accidental Death or Injury; Archeological Sites, Sirenians at; Captivity, Sirenians in; Conservation; Economic Use; Natural Enemies; Weed Control)
  x 1972 Heinsohn & Birch (DD; Queensland; shark nets; 415-417.)

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