Bibliography Record

Falcón-Matos, Limarie; Mignucci-Giannoni, Antonio A.; Toyos-Gonzáles, Gian M.; Bossart, Gregory D.; Meisner, René A.; Varela, René A. (detail)
Evidence of a shark attack on a West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus) in Puerto Rico.
Jour. Neotropical Mammalogy (Mastozoologia Neotropical) 10(1): 6-11. 1 fig. Jan.-June 2003.
–Spanish summ. Reports healed scars from a bite of a large shark (probably a tiger shark, Galeocerdo cuvier) on an adult female manatee that died of intestinal impaction and respiratory distress of uncertain relation to the shark bite. This is the first confirmed report of an ante-mortem shark attack on a manatee.

Related Index Records (7)

Natural Enemies
(SEE ALSO: Natural Death or Injury)
  x * 2003 Falcón et al. (TMM; Puerto Rico; shark; 6-11.)

Parasites: Cochleotrema cochleotrema Travassos and Vogelsang, 1931
  x 2003 Falcón et al. (Puerto Rico; 8.)

(SEE ALSO: Bacteriology; Biochemistry; Natural Death or Injury; Parasites; Parasitology; Pollution, Effects of; Temperature, Effects of; Teratology; Virology)
  x 2003 Falcón et al. (TMM; intestinal impaction, respiratory distress, shark bite; 7-9.)

(SEE ALSO: Bacteriology; Biochemistry; Natural Death or Injury; Parasites; Parasitology; Pollution, Effects of; Temperature, Effects of; Teratology; Virology)
  x * 2003 Falcón et al. (TMM; intestinal impaction, respiratory distress, shark bite; 7-9.)

Puerto Rico
  x 2003 Falcón et al. (TMM; shark attack; 6-11.)

Respiration and Diving
(SEE ALSO: Locomotion)
  x 2003 Falcón et al. (TMM; intestinal impaction, respiratory distress, & lack of buoyancy control; 7-9.)

Trichechus manatus Linnaeus, 1758
  x 2003 Falcón et al. (Puerto Rico; shark attack; 6-11.)

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