Bibliography Record
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Elliott, Murray A.
1981 |
Distribution and status of the dugong in Northern Territory waters. In: H. Marsh (ed.), The dugong. Proceedings of a seminar/workshop held at James Cook University of North Queensland 8-13 May 1979 (q.v.).
[Townsville (Australia)], James Cook Univ. (vii + 400): 57-66. 1 fig.
–Aerial surveys of the Northern Territory coast of Australia showed that dugongs are widely distributed but not particularly abundant. Aboriginal hunting and incidental netting seem to have only minor impacts. More detailed studies are needed.
Related Index Records (5)
Aerial Surveys of Distribution
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1981 |
Elliott, M.A. (DD; Northern Territory, Australia; 57-62.) |
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1981 |
Elliott, M.A. (DD; Northern Territory; distr. & status; 57-66.) |
Behavior, Aggregative
(SEE ALSO: Aerial Surveys of Distribution)
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1981 |
Elliott, M.A. (DD; Northern Territory, Australia; group sizes; 62.) |
Dugong dugon (Müller, 1776) Palmer, 1895
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1981 |
Elliott, M.A. (Northern Territory, Australia; distr. & status; 57-66.) |
Hunting and Capture
(SEE ALSO: Accidental Death or Injury; Archeological Sites, Sirenians at; Captivity, Sirenians in; Conservation; Economic Use; Natural Enemies; Weed Control)
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1981 |
Elliott, M.A. (DD; Northern Territory, Australia; 63-64.) |