Bibliography Record

Domning, Daryl Paul; Myrick, Albert C., Jr. (detail)
Tetracycline marking and the possible layering rate of bone in an Amazonian manatee (Trichechus inunguis). In: W. F. Perrin & A. C. Myrick, Jr. (eds.), Age determination of toothed whales and sirenians.
Repts. Internatl. Whaling Comm., _ Special Issue 3: 203-207. 3 figs.
–The successful marking of a rib, using a 7.1-8.5 mg/kg dosage of Terramycin, suggests a periosteal bone deposition rate of one layer per year. Layering in ribs and mandibles of T. manatus is also discussed.

Related Index Records (6)

Age Determination
(SEE ALSO: Birth and Breeding; Embryology & Ontogeny; Growth Rates; Population Biology)
  x 1980 Domning & Myrick (TI; tetracycline marking of rib; 203-207.)

Captivity, Sirenians in
(SEE ALSO: Hunting and Capture; Weed Control)
  x 1980 Domning & Myrick (TI; Manaus; tetracycline marking of bone; 203-204.)

(SEE ALSO: Skeleton; other organ systems)
  x 1980 Domning & Myrick (TI; bone; tetracycline marking; 203-207.)

(SEE ALSO: Age Determination; Embryology and Ontogeny; Histology; Myology; Sense Organs; Tooth Replacement; and under species)
  x 1980 Domning & Myrick (TI; tetracycline marking of rib; 203-207.)

Trichechus inunguis (Natterer in von Pelzeln, 1883) Thomas and Lydekker, 1897
  x 1980 Domning & Myrick (tetracycline marking of rib; 203-207.)

Trichechus manatus Linnaeus, 1758
  x 1980 Domning & Myrick (bone histology; 205-206.)

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