Bibliography Record

Colares, Francisco Antonio Pinto; Colares, Ioni Gonçalves; Rosas, Fernando César Weber; Colares, Elton Pinto (detail)
Amazonian manatee (Trichechus inunguis): a 15 year long-term study.
Proc. Amer. Assoc. Zoo Vets. 1990: 43-47. 1 tab. 3 figs.
–Describes the regimen of care and feeding given to captive manatees at INPA, Manaus, including diet, medications, and anatomical sites used for injections and blood sampling.

Related Index Records (16)

(SEE ALSO: Brain and Nervous System; Circulatory System; Digestive System; Embryology; Endocrinology; Growth Rates; Histology; Myology; Pathology; Respiratory System; Skeleton; Urogenital System; and under species)
  x 1990 Colares et al. (TI; sites for injections & blood sampling; 47.)

  x 1990 Colares et al. (TI; in capt., Manaus; 43-47.)

Captivity, Sirenians in
(SEE ALSO: Hunting and Capture; Weed Control)
  x 1990 Colares et al. (TI; Manaus; care & feeding; 43-47.)

Food Plants: Brachiaria mutica
  x * 1990 Colares et al. (TI; Brazil; in capt.; analysis; 44.)

Food Plants: Cabomba
  x 1990 Colares et al. (TI; Brazil; in capt.; 43.)

Food Plants: Echinochloa polystachya
  x 1990 Colares et al. (TI; Brazil; in capt.; 43.)

Food Plants: Eichhornia crassipes
  x 1990 Colares et al. (TI; Brazil; in capt.; 43.)

Food Plants: Hymenachne amplexicaulis
  x 1990 Colares et al. (TI; Brazil; in capt.; 43.)

Food Plants: Lactuca sativa
(lettuce; Asteraceae) (SEE ALSO under Food)
  x v 1990 Colares et al. (TI; Brazil; in capt.; 44.)

Food Plants: Paspalum fasciculatum
  x 1990 Colares et al. (TI; Brazil; in capt.; 43.)

Food Plants: Paspalum repens
  x 1990 Colares et al. (TI; Brazil; in capt.; 43.)

Food Plants: Pistia stratiotes
  x 1990 Colares et al. (TI; Brazil; in capt.; 43.)

Food Plants: Salvinia auriculata
  x 1990 Colares et al. (TI; Brazil; in capt.; 43.)

(SEE ALSO: Behavior, Epimeletic; Behavior, Ingestive)
  x 1990 Colares et al. (TI; artificial formula; 44.)

(SEE ALSO: Bacteriology; Biochemistry; Natural Death or Injury; Parasites; Parasitology; Pollution, Effects of; Temperature, Effects of; Teratology; Virology)
  x 1990 Colares et al. (TI; in capt., Manaus; treatments for infections, conjunctivitis, enteritis; 44-45.)

Trichechus inunguis (Natterer in von Pelzeln, 1883) Thomas and Lydekker, 1897
  x 1990 Colares et al. (Manaus; care in capt.; 43-47.)

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