Bibliography Record

Colares, Elton Pinto; Ferreira, L. C. (detail)
Ocorrência de pólipo hamartomatoso no intestino delgado do peixe-boi da Amazônia Trichechus inunguis (Mammalia: Sirenia).
Anais da 2a. Reunião de Trabalho de Especialistas em Mamíferos Aquáticos da América do Sul (Rio de Janeiro, Aug. 4-8, 1986): 39. 1 tab.
–Reports case of a captive female manatee killed by intestinal blockage due to a benign polyp. Gives the animal's blood values in comparison with those of 6 healthy females.

Related Index Records (9)

Captivity, Sirenians in
(SEE ALSO: Hunting and Capture; Weed Control)
  x 1987 Colares & Ferreira (TI; Manaus; intestinal polyp; 39.)

Circulatory System
(including lymphatic system)
  x 1987 Colares & Ferreira (TI; normal & pathological blood values; 39.)

Digestive System
(SEE ALSO: Excretion and Defecation; Food; Mastication; Parasites; Parasitology; Sense Organs)
  x 1987 Colares & Ferreira (TI; intestine blocked by polyp; 39.)

Food Plants: Brachiaria mutica
  x 1987 Colares & Ferreira (Brazil; in capt.; 39.)

Food Plants: Echinochloa polystachya
  x 1987 Colares & Ferreira (Brazil; in capt.; 39.)

Food Plants: Eichhornia crassipes
  x 1987 Colares & Ferreira (Brazil; in capt.; 39.)

Food Plants: Paspalum repens
  x 1987 Colares & Ferreira (Brazil; in capt.; 39.)

(SEE ALSO: Bacteriology; Biochemistry; Natural Death or Injury; Parasites; Parasitology; Pollution, Effects of; Temperature, Effects of; Teratology; Virology)
  x 1987 Colares & Ferreira (TI; in capt., Manaus; floating, constipation, anemia, benign intestinal polyp; 39.)

Trichechus inunguis (Natterer in von Pelzeln, 1883) Thomas and Lydekker, 1897
  x 1987 Colares & Ferreira (intestinal blockage by polyp; pathological & normal blood values; 39.)

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