Bibliography Record

Colares, Elton Pinto; Colares, Ioni Gonçalves; Pinto do Amaral, Ary Domingos (detail)
Blood parameters of the Amazonian manatee (Trichechus inunguis): dietary variation.
Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A. Comp. Physiol. 103(2): 413-415.
–Portuguese ?transl.: Peixe-Boi 1(1): 19-25, 2 tabs., 1992.

Related Index Records (2)

(SEE ALSO: Digestive System; Endocrinology; Milk; Phylogeny and Affinities)
  1992 Colares et al. (TI; blood chemistry)

Trichechus inunguis (Natterer in von Pelzeln, 1883) Thomas and Lydekker, 1897
  1992 Colares et al. (blood chemistry)

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