Bibliography Record

Andrews, Charles William (detail)
Preliminary note on some recently discovered extinct vertebrates from Egypt (Part III).
Geol. Mag. (4)9(7)(= n.s. No. 457): 291-295. 3 figs. July 1902.
–Notice: H.F. Osborn (1902b). Describes and illustrates Eosiren libyca, n.gen.n.sp., from the "Middle" (actually Late) Eocene of the Fayum, and briefly compares it with other Eocene and Oligocene sirs. (293-295).

Related Index Records (8)

(SEE ALSO: Red Sea)
  1902 Andrews, C.W.

Eosiren Andrews, 1902
  x * 1902 Andrews, C.W. (n.gen.; Late Eoc., Egypt; 293-295.)

Eosiren libyca Andrews, 1902
  x * 1902 Andrews, C.W. (n.gen.n.sp.; Late Eoc., Egypt; 293-295.)

Eotherium aegyptiacum Owen, 1875
(= Eotheroides aegyptiacum)
  x 1902 Andrews, C.W. (comp. w/ Eosiren libyca; 293.)

Halitherium schinzii (Kaup, 1838) Kaup, 1855
  x 1902 Andrews, C.W. (comp. w/ Eosiren libyca; 295.)

Manatus australis Retzius, 1794
(= Trichechus manatus, in part; Trichechus senegalensis, in part; also used by many authors for T. inunguis)
  x 1902 Andrews, C.W. (m293.)

Manatus coulombi Filhol, 1878
(= Eotheroides aegyptiacum)
  x 1902 Andrews, C.W. (comp. w/ Eosiren libyca; 293.)

Prototherium veronense (de Zigno, 1875) de Zigno, 1887
  x 1902 Andrews, C.W. (comp. w/ Eosiren libyca; 293-294.)

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