Bibliography Record

Anderson, Paul K. (detail)
Deliberate foraging on macroinvertebrates by dugongs.
Natl. Geogr. Research 5(1): 4-6. 1 fig. Winter 1989.
–Records observations of dugongs at Shark Bay, Australia, believed to have been feeding on sea pens (Virgularia sp.) and mussels (Botula vagina).

Related Index Records (5)

  x 1989 Anderson, P.K. (DD; Shark Bay, Western Australia; foraging on macroinvertebrates; 4-6.)

Behavior, Ingestive
(SEE ALSO: Behavior, Epimeletic; Behavior, Et-epimeletic; Food; Mastication; Milk)
  x 1989 Anderson, P.K. (DD; Shark Bay, Australia; foraging on macroinvertebrates; 5-6.)

Dugong dugon (Müller, 1776) Palmer, 1895
  x 1989 Anderson, P.K. (Shark Bay, Australia; foraging on macroinvertebrates; 4-6.)

(SEE ALSO: Behavior, Ingestive; Captivity, Sirenians in; Digestive System; Food Plants; Weed Control) (NOTE: Plants reported as part of the captive but not the natural diet of sirs. will not necessarily be found under Food Plants. Papers referring to them are, however, indexed here.)
  x 1989 Anderson, P.K. (DD; Shark Bay, Australia; sea pens, mussels; 4-6.)

Respiration and Diving
(SEE ALSO: Locomotion)
  x 1989 Anderson, P.K. (DD; dive times while foraging on macroinvertebrates; 6.)

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