(SEE ALSO: Brain and Nervous System; Circulatory System; Digestive System; Embryology; Endocrinology; Growth Rates; Histology; Myology; Pathology; Respiratory System; Skeleton; Urogenital System; and under species)
x |
1979 |
Anderson, P.K. (DD; external morphology; 114-120.) |
Behavior (General and Miscellaneous)
(SEE ALSO: Birth and Breeding; Captivity, Sirenians in; Locomotion; Migration and Movements; Sound Production; Respiration and Diving; and under species)
x |
* |
1979 |
Anderson, P.K. (DD; review; 113-144.) |
Behavior, Aggregative
(SEE ALSO: Aerial Surveys of Distribution)
x |
1979 |
Anderson, P.K. (DD; Australia; separation between individuals, 127; groups, 136, 141.) |
Behavior, Agonistic and Territorial
x |
1979 |
Anderson, P.K. (DD; agonistic behavior, 127; ?home ranges, 140.) |
Behavior, Epimeletic
x |
1979 |
Anderson, P.K. (DD; Australia; swimming positions of cow & calf, 129-130; protection of calves & ?communication of traditional knowledge, 137.) |
Behavior, Ingestive
(SEE ALSO: Behavior, Epimeletic; Behavior, Et-epimeletic; Food; Mastication; Milk)
x |
1979 |
Anderson, P.K. (DD; different feeding modes for large & small seagrasses, 124-125; flippers probably not used, 125.) |
Behavior, Investigative, and Sense Perception
(SEE ALSO: Sense Organs; Sound Production)
x |
1979 |
Anderson, P.K. (DD; Australia; investigating observers; 137-138.) |
Behavior, Sexual
(SEE ALSO: Birth and Breeding)
x |
1979 |
Anderson, P.K. (DD; Australia; categorization of behavioral elements; 128-129.) |
Behavior, Shelter-seeking or Escape
(SEE ALSO: Hunting and Capture; Migration and Movements; Natural Death or Injury; Temperature, Effects of)
x |
1979 |
Anderson, P.K. (DD; flattening against or hugging bottom, 128, 139; resting & calving sites, 132-133, 139-140; avoidance of SCUBA & boats, 138; effects of hunting pressure, 139.) |
Birth and Breeding
(SEE ALSO: Age Determination; Behavior, Sexual; Population Biology; Urogenital System)
x |
1979 |
Anderson, P.K. (DD; calving in shallow, hypersaline areas; stranding & "sunburn" scars; 133.) |
Circulatory System
(including lymphatic system)
x |
1979 |
Anderson, P.K. (DD; rapid blood clotting an ?anti-shark adaptation; 127.) |
Community Ecology
(SEE ALSO: Food; Food Plants; Natural Enemies; Paleoecology; Parasites; Parasitology)
x |
1979 |
Anderson, P.K. (DD; possible competition with turtles & man; 136.) |
Dugong dugon (Müller, 1776) Palmer, 1895
x |
* |
1979 |
Anderson, P.K. (review of behavior; 113-144.) |
(SEE ALSO: Behavior, Ingestive; Captivity, Sirenians in; Digestive System; Food Plants; Weed Control) (NOTE: Plants reported as part of the captive but not the natural diet of sirs. will not necessarily be found under Food Plants. Papers referring to them are, however, indexed here.)
1979 |
Anderson, P.K. (DD; Australia, "bushy alga", 125, 131; Palau, sea cucumbers, 135; seagrasses, 125, 134-135.) |
Hunting and Capture
(SEE ALSO: Accidental Death or Injury; Archeological Sites, Sirenians at; Captivity, Sirenians in; Conservation; Economic Use; Natural Enemies; Weed Control)
x |
1979 |
Anderson, P.K. (DD; Palau; harpoons; skin thought "impenetrable" after being struck by first spear; use of unbarbed points; 127.) |
(SEE ALSO: Respiration and Diving)
x |
* |
1979 |
Anderson, P.K. (DD; "cocking" flukes for acceleration, 114-115; use of flippers in braking, 114; head movements, 115, 122; rostral disc compressed laterally when swimming, 116; swimming, 120-124; ?hydrodynamic assistance to calves, 130.) |
Migration and Movements
(SEE ALSO: Behavior, Aggregative; Behavior, Shelter-seeking; Locomotion; Temperature, Effects of)
x |
1979 |
Anderson, P.K. (DD; travel routes, ?home range, seasonal migrations, open-water travel; 140-141.) |
Natural Enemies
(SEE ALSO: Natural Death or Injury)
x |
1979 |
Anderson, P.K. (DD; blood clotting & "skin hardening" as ?anti-predator adaptations, 127; scar from shark attack, 128, 131; sharks, ?crocodiles, ?killer whales, ?stonefish, 135.) |
(SEE ALSO: Bacteriology; Community Ecology; Parasites)
x |
1979 |
Anderson, P.K. (DD; remoras; 135-136.) |
(SEE ALSO: Bacteriology; Biochemistry; Natural Death or Injury; Parasites; Parasitology; Pollution, Effects of; Temperature, Effects of; Teratology; Virology)
x |
1979 |
Anderson, P.K. (DD; "sunburn" scars; 131, 133.) |
Respiration and Diving
(SEE ALSO: Locomotion)
x |
1979 |
Anderson, P.K. (DD; exhalation directed forward, 117; respiratory behavior, 125-126.) |
Salinity Tolerance
(SEE ALSO: Behavior, Ingestive)
x |
1979 |
Anderson, P.K. (DD; no need for fresh water, 132; calving in hypersaline areas, 133; tolerances, 133-134.) |
Sound Production
x |
1979 |
Anderson, P.K. (DD; ?use of nasal passages; 119.) |
Temperature, Effects of
(SEE ALSO: Behavior, Shelter-seeking or Escape; Migration & Movements; Natural Death or Injury; Pollution, Effects of; Thermoregulation)
x |
1979 |
Anderson, P.K. (DD; Shark Bay, Australia; natural thermal refugia; 133.) |