Bibliography Record
Abel, Othenio
1904a |
Die Sirenen der mediterranen Tertiärbildungen Österreichs.
Abh. Geol. Reichsanst. Wien 19(2): vi + 223. 26 figs. 7 pls. June 1904.
–Abstrs.: Jahresber. Anat. Entwickl. (n.s.) 10(3): 184?; Geol. Mag. (5)2: 329-330, 1905?; Nature (London) 71: 351, 1905? Characterizes in detail Halitherium, Metaxytherium, and Felsinotherium, and gives extensive synonymies of the species of Metaxytherium, including M. Petersi, n.sp., and M. Meyeri, n.sp. Describes cranial and postcranial material of H. Christoli, M. Krahuletzi, and M. Petersi, comparing them with other fossil and living sirs. Concludes that the genus Metaxytherium had a polyphyletic origin from Halitherium Schinzi.
Related Index Records (10)
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1904a |
Abel, O. |
Felsinotherium Capellini, 1872
(= Metaxytherium)
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1904a |
Abel, O. |
Halitherium Kaup, 1838
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1904a |
Abel, O. |
Halitherium christolii Fitzinger, 1842
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1904a |
Abel, O. |
Metaxytherium de Christol, 1840
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1904a |
Abel, O. |
Metaxytherium krahuletzi Depéret, 1895
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1904a |
Abel, O. |
Metaxytherium meyeri Abel, 1904
(nomen dubium)
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1904a |
Abel, O. |
Metaxytherium petersi Abel, 1904
(= Thalattosiren petersi)
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1904a |
Abel, O. (n.sp.) |
Metaxytherium studeri (von Meyer, 1838) Depéret, 1895
(= Metaxytherium krahuletzi)
1904a |
Abel, O. |
Protosiren dolloi Abel, 1904
(= Prototherium veronense; nomen nudum)
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1904a |
Abel, O. (n.sp.; nomen nudum) |