Bibliography Record

Lanyon, Janet M.; Johns, Trevor; Sneath, Helen L. (detail)
Year-round presence of dugongs in Pumicestone Passage, south-east Queensland, examined in relation to water temperature and seagrass distribution.
Wildlife Research 32(4): 361-368. 7 figs.

Related Index Records (3)

  2005 Lanyon, Johns & Sneath (DD; Queensland; effects of temperature)

Dugong dugon (Müller, 1776) Palmer, 1895
  2005 Lanyon, Johns & Sneath (Queensland; effects of temperature)

Temperature, Effects of
(SEE ALSO: Behavior, Shelter-seeking or Escape; Migration & Movements; Natural Death or Injury; Pollution, Effects of; Thermoregulation)
  2005 Lanyon, Johns & Sneath (DD; Queensland)

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