Bibliography Record
Martin, Julien; Edwards, Holly H.; Fonnesbeck, Christopher J.; Koslovsky, Stacie M.; Harmak, Craig W.; Dane, Teri M.
2015 |
Combining information for monitoring at large spatial scales: First statewide abundance estimate of the Florida manatee.
Biological Conservation 186: 44-51. 4 figs. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2015.02.029 June 2015.
–ABSTRACT: Monitoring abundance and distribution of organisms over large landscapes can be difficult. Because of challenges associated with logistics and data analyses uncorrected counts are often used as a proxy for abundance. We present the first statewide estimate of abundance for Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris) using an innovative approach that combines multiple sources of information. We used a combination of a double-observer protocol, repeated passes, and collection of detailed diving behavior data to account for imperfect detection of animals. Our estimate of manatee abundance was 6350 (95%CI: 5310–7390). Specifically, we estimated 2790 (95%CI: 2160–3540) manatees on the west coast (2011), and 3560 (95%CI: 2850–4410) on the east coast (2012). Unlike uncorrected counts conducted since 1991, our estimation method considered two major sources of error: spatial variation in distribution and imperfect detection. The Florida manatee is listed as endangered, but its status is currently under review; the present study may become important for the review process. Interestingly, we estimated that 70% (95%CI: 60–80%) of manatees on the east coast of Florida were aggregated in one county during our survey. Our study illustrates the value of combining information from multiple sources to monitor abundance at large scales. Integration of information can reduce cost, facilitate the use of data obtained from new technologies to increase accuracy, and contribute to encouraging coordination among survey teams from different organizations nationally or internationally. Finally, we discuss the applicability of our work to other conservation applications (e.g., risk assessment) and to other systems.
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