Bibliography Record

Oliveira Luna, Fábia de; Loffler Niemeyer Attademo, Fernanda (detail)
Sou Xica, o peixe-boi da praça do Derby [I'm Xica -the manatee from Derby Square].
São Paulo, Brazil, Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade, Centro Nacional de Pesquisa e Conservação de Mamíferos Aquáticos (ICMBio/CMA): 1-21. Illus.
–Xica's book, with illustrations by the Spanish artist Andrés Serna, tells the story of the most famous Brazilian manatee. Xica was considered a "celebrity" and mascot of Pernambuco State, where she lived all her 53 years. She was the oldest known Brazilian manatee. She spent more than 20 years living in a small tank, in a public square in Recife, being one of the main attractions of the city. During that period, residents and tourists went to that square to visit Xica, being part of the family leisure. However, she suffered from being in an inadequate enclosure and with inappropriate food, among other things. For this reason, she acquired scoliosis. After two decades in that place, Xica was transferred to ICMBio/CMA, where she continued to be the main attraction for visitors. Even with Xica's death in 2015, she remains in people's imagination, being one of the main references of manatees when it comes to conservation. Through the story of this charming manatee, we present the importance of conservation of the species, in addition to a loving tribute to the "grandma" manatee.

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