Bibliography Record

Deutsch, Charles J.; Reynolds, John E., III (detail)
Florida manatee status and conservation issues: a primer. Chap. 3 in: E. M. Hines et al. (eds.), Sirenian conservation: issues and strategies in developing countries (q.v.).
Gainesville, University Press of Florida (xiv + 326): 23-35. 2 tabs., 1 map.
–Includes box essays by Michael G. Sorice (p. 29, "Transforming manatee tourism into ecotourism"), Jim Brown (p. 30, "Role of law enforcement in conservation of the Florida manatee"), and Kari A. Rood, Sheri L. Barton, & Cathy A. Beck (p. 32, "Partnering for success: Florida manatee photo-identification").

Related Index Records (3)

(SEE ALSO: Accidental Death or Injury; Economic Uses; Hunting and Capture; Weed Control)
  * 2012 Deutsch & Reynolds (TML; status & conservation issues)

  * 2012 Deutsch & Reynolds (TML; status & conservation issues)

Tagging Methods and Recognition
  2012 Deutsch & Reynolds (Florida; photo-identification partnership; 32.)

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